Modio Legal to the Rescue
Modio Legal’s Website Describes the Product this way:

“Using its patent-pending system, ModioLegal partners with legal publishers to convert news and current awareness content to a same-day, word-for-word, article-specific, human-narrated audio format that subscribers can access through their smart phones. By placing content in a smart phone enabled audio format, attorneys no longer need to forgo desk time that they could otherwise bill in order to stay informed; rather they can access this information away from their desk during multi-tasking activities such as commuting, exercising or riding a bike. The end result is that attorneys using ModioLegal stabilize and enhance their access to the critical information they need for conducting their practice, while also increasing their billing capacity at their desk.”

The American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) is the first publisher to take the Modio plunge. Their subscribers can access an audio version of ABI Journal. I have also narrated a popular post from Dewey B Strategic on Modio so you can try it out. ModioLegal’s proprietary interface is accessible through your web browser rather than an app or software.
Key features of Modio Legal
An entire publication or selected content can be added to your playlist.
Modio defaults to display the most recent content at the top of the list and displays earlier issues in reverse chronological order.
A “Star” feature allows you to select all the content you want to listen to for the desired length of time.
Modio provides visual cues showing which articles are new and which articles you have already listened to.
All the articles are available for both reading or audio on the Modio website.
You retain access to prior issues.
The audio readings are performed by law students.
Legal Publishers Listen Up: Does anyone know a lawyer without a smartphone?
The Market is Ready for Audio!
The major legal publishers Thomson Reuters and LexisNexis have invested a lot in ebook platforms which have failed to capture a large share of the legal market I elaborated on the shortcomings of eBooks in an earlier post. I understand why publishers might be skittish about investing in yet another alternative delivery system. My personal observation is that eBooks have failed because they are inferior to online databases. In addition ebooks work better on ipads but are not optimal on a smartphone. Ipads are not nearly as ubiquitous as smartphones … in fact smartphones are now practically an extension of the human body… so why not put your content into a smartphone compatible format and make it available at those times when a lawyer is away from the office but ready to stream a playlist of legal content? I can identify newsletter and journal titles from all the key publishers: Thomson Reuters, Lexis Nexis, American Lawyer Media, The American Bar Association and BloombergBNA as being suitable for delivery in a playlist format. In January Wolters Kluwer launched an audio option in the app for their Daily Reporting Suite , but these audios can’t be consolidated into a playlist of stories from combined WK titles for convenient listenting at a different time.
Go to the Modio Legal website so you can experience some audio newsletters and blog posts.
You can access content using Username: DeweyB and Password: modiolegal
Modio Legal is also offering a one month free trial.
* I was notified this morning that Wolters Kluwer actually had released an app which includes audio back in January.