My apologies for the delay. February was a “lost month” due to flu season. Please vote here. 

They Survey will close Friday March 16th.

This blog has covered a wide variety of new products including Judicata’s Clerk, Gavelytics, Voxgov, CARA’s Brief Finder and CARA Push NotificationsLex Machina launched new modules including bankruptcy appeals, commercial, employment and products liability. Ravel launched law firm analytics before being acquired by Lexis.

Wolters Kluwer appeared to have been in innovative overdrive building new tools and features on its own and in alliance with other technology companies. Wolters Kluwer launched M&A Clause Analytics,  Smart Tasks, predictive legislation in their Federal Knowledge Center, Clarivate, Standard Federal Tax Plus, SEC RegReview, a new Cybersecurity Product, Enhanced Arbitration Platform and a KTmine IP Alliance.Lexis unveiled an AI tool: Lexis Answers and began to deliver some “mashups” between their various products. They enhanced Practice Advisor with Intelligize. Lex Machina analytics are appearing in Lexis Advance. They launched a video enhanced practice guide: The Wagstaffe Group Practice Guide: Federal Civil Procedure Before Trial.

BloombergBNA added points of law, citation maps, an E discovery center, a Data Compliance and Risk Benchmark Tool, and Relaunched Corporate Practice Center with In-House Counsel Focus,

Thomson Reuters relaunched their treatise platform. ALM launched Compass which will replace their Rival Edge and the ALM Intelligence Center.

Fastcase launched a publishing arm called Full Court press and a multimedia journal: The Journal of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence and Law

KNOW IT ALL! One of the best new resources which launched in 2017 was  free — AALL’s new daily newsletter called Know it All

PLEASE VOTE  2017 was a busy year for legal information professionals and knowledge managers There are so many products to evaluate and compare. Share your wisdom with your colleagues. Please take a few minutes to participate in the brief “Start Stop” Survey and vote for the best of 2017. Vote Here