Today Reynen Court – an innovative software company supported by a consortium of 20 global law firms announced that they had hired law librarian, legal technologist and innovation provocateur Sarah Glassmeyer  for the role of Legal Tech Curator. The press release describes this as ” a  lynchpin role in generating contact and strategy for the Solution Store which is at the heart of the Reynen Court Platform.”

Reyen Court allows participating law firms to test innovative, new, cloud based technologies. The platform is designed to speed up the historically, lengthy testing and evaluation time normally associated with the implementation of new technology. One of the hottest new
Continue Reading Law Librarian, Visionary, Provocateur Sarah Glassmeyer Joins Reynen Court in Strategic Legal Tech Curator Role

This week Thomson Reuters Institute and Georgetown Law Center on Ethics and the Legal Profession released their 2021 Report on the State of the Legal Market. It is always an interesting read but this year offered  a petri dish for the transformation of law firms in real time.  2020 was a perfect storm of pandemic, financial uncertainty, social change and political stress.
The Report adopts the theme of Malcolm Gladwell‘s meme-able book The Tipping Point. Contrary to the popular assumption that social change happens slowly and steadily over a period of time Gladwell argues with a metaphor that is equally appropriate for our present circumstances that in many cases change happens more like an epidemic. As he puts it ideas and products and messages and behavior spread like viruses do. Although forces of change may build slowly often a a singular set of circumstances triggers a profound change. The 2020 Report examines whether law firms have reached such a tipping point.
Growth in Profits Per Equity Partner
Some of the data  points highlighted  in the report :

Continue Reading 2021 State of the Legal Market Report – A Tipping Point For Law Firm Transformation?

The financial crisis of 2007 triggered a convulsion in the legal industry which continues to offer aftershocks exacerbated  by “economic, demographic, regulatory, technology and competitive demands.” And then  as we know, the COVID-19 pandemic  triggered new a new crisis. Wolters Kluwer was analyzing the legal marketplace back in January 2020. Today they are releasing the survey results in the 2020 Wolters Kluwer Future Ready Lawyer: Performance Drivers and Change in the Legal Sector” which was designed “to assess the future-readiness and resilience in the legal sector.”

The survey gathers feedback from an international group of 700 legal professionals working in law firms and as in-house counsel.. The full survey is available at this link.

The report is 29 pages long but is full of graphs and data illustrating various trends as well as the disconnects between law firms and in-house counsel priorities. Both law firms and in house counsel share an awareness of technology as a critical success factor but the majority of both organization types are f ailing overcome obstacles to implementation.

I spoke with Dean Sonderegger, head of Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory U.S about the survey results. Sonderegger predicts that the COVID pandemic will accelerate all the trends identified in the survey.

Top Trends and ReadinessContinue Reading Wolters Kluwer 2020 Future Ready Lawyer Survey–Tech Aspiration vs. Tech Implementation

Almost all players in the legal market talk about innovation. Law firms start incubators, clients demand innovation, and providers promote their innovative solutions. But just what is innovation, who’s doing it, and how do rank and file legal market workers handle it?  I am moderating a Hot Topic panel at AALL  Embracing Sustainable Innovation – Building a Future Focused Library. To prepare for a conference,  the panelists are seeking to answer these questions by conducting an anonymous survey. I hope you will participate. Please click here.

BACKGROUND – CONFERENCE SESSION PROMPTING THE SURVEY: I will be a panelist on Sunday, July 14, at 11:30am in Washington, DC at the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) annual conference. The session is Hot Topic: Embracing Sustainable Innovation Initiatives to Build a Future-Focused Library. The session description appears
Continue Reading Law Firm Innovation Survey For AALL Conference “Hot Topic” Panel- Results in July

Please mark your calendar for a Private Law Librarians and Information Professionals (PLLIP) Webinar from the Education and Professional Development Committee:

Feb 6, 2019 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CST

Start It or Stop It? Jump Starting Initiatives and Innovation in 2019


Listen in on a lively conversation that will help you jump start