Today Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory U.S.   announced the relaunch of Corporate Counsel Profiler The new version is powered by analytics and enables lawyers, researchers, marketers and competitive intelligence specialists to uncover custom insights into in houses Counsel Department.

Granular information on corporate in-house counsel departments is a critical component of the marketing, pitch and competitive intelligence process. AND it is surprisingly difficult to find. Current users of Corporate Counsel Profiler will immediately
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Gavelytics is starting the New Year with the launch of a new AI enabled platform for business intelligence. Gavelytics which is a pioneer in state court analytics offering  has announced the launch a business center which will provide competitive insights into the litigation history of competing firms and opposing counsel for pitches and  identifying business development opportunities.  The press release reprinted below described the new feature  as merging judicial and motion practice technologies with trial court analytics about law firms and litigants. The platform provides insights into litigation histories, docket data and access to litigation documents.

The Business Intelligence center  currently provides insights for 18 New York counties and 4 Texas counties. New York Counties are: Bronx, Broome, Cayuga, Erie, Essex Jefferson, Kings, Monroe, Nassau, New York, Niagara, Ontario, Queens, Rensselaer, Richmond, Seneca, Suffolk and Westchester. The Texas counties are Bexar, Dallas, Galveston and Harris.

The Gavelytics Business Intelligence Center

Gavelytics is facing increased competition in state court analytics from Westlaw Edge, Fastcase/Docket Alarm and Lexis. They remain the unique source of some California motion insights including the “Gavel Score”  which indicates
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Today LexisNexis is launching a major transformation of their Customer Relationship Management  (CRM) product InterAction for Microsoft Office 365.
InterAction has been the leading CRM solution in the large law market. CRM’s are no longer a stand alone digital rolodex. They are being leveraged by firms to enhance both knowledge management and business intelligence initiatives.