Fastcase has been recognizing innovation and excellence in the legal profession with the Fastcase 50 award since 2011. This years recipients include librarians, knowledge managers, technologists, entrepreneurs, judges and lawyers across the spectrum of the legal and tech universe. Here is a list of this years recipients.

“When we look back at the pandemic era, we will see it as a great reset in our attitudes and assumptions about legal services,” said Fastcase CEO Ed Walters. “Even if they have had to spend more time on Zoom this year than they had planned, the 2022 class of honorees is making profound changes for the next generation of law. We celebrate
Continue Reading Fastcase 50 Announced – Congratulations to Class of 2022

Leopard Solutions which provides a leading competitive intelligence and business development  platform, has released their 2020 State of the Legal Industry Report which examines law firm hiring trends since the beginning of the pandemic.
A copy of the report is available at this link.
Webinar Today. They are also hosting  a webinar today Thursday

Judicata’s Clerk offers so much advanced analysis, that it almost scares me. After Judicata founder Itai Gurari, gave me a demo of Clerk I suggested that he needed to put a banner across the top of the screen reminding associates that they still needed to read cases and draw their own conclusions. You load a brief into the platform and Clerk delivers a multi-dimensional critique of the brief supported by a raft of suggestions and analytics.

Gurari has described Clerk as “moneyball for motions. ”Judicata’s Clerk has ingested “thousands of pages of legal text and millions of case data points in order to place each brief in context and provide actionable insights.” Different motions have distinct probabilities of being granted in a particular court or by a particular judge. Judicata offers an impressive array of document assessments.

Gurari built Clerk based on the assumption that associates would like to have an easy way to get insight into the strength to weaknesses of their arguments.

Have you cited the best cases? Do you have the right ratio of cases supporting your argument and against your
Continue Reading Forget the Robots You Might Just Need a Clerk. Judicata’s Clerk: Algorithms and Analytics that “Grade” and Recommends Edits to Briefs.