I wrote my first post about Voxgov in 2017 I described it as “ as Goldmine of Hidden US Government Insights and Trends.”  Voxgov is one of those products that I wish I had thought up myself. Founder, Robert Dessau an Australian lawyer working in New York recognized  that US government documents are gold mine of valuable research and data, but  it was not always easy to locate.  The Voxgov database monitors the websites and issuances of over 9,000 federal government offices. The database now includes 75 million documents. Approximately 7 million new documents are ingested and processed each year. All of these documents are tagged using Natural Language Processing  ((NLP) to enable researchers to figure out what has the government said on any topic at any time.

I recently spoke with Dessau to learn about some exiting new features  and content sets that that improve the precision of search
Continue Reading VoxGov Leverages NLP to Expose U.S. Government Reports, Data and YouTube Channels

Even though the government is shutdown, Voxgov is still “listening.”  Since 2014 Voxgov has been ingesting and analyzing every statement, report, newsletter and tweet from over 14,000 government websites and social media accounts. To date they have collected almost 50 million pages!

I asked Robert Dessau, voxgov Founder and CEO  if he  could provide some  insights into the statements of official Washington since the start of the shutdown. The word cloud images included in this post are previews of new visualization features which will be added to voxgov in the coming months. The word clouds are based on documents collected by voxgov between December 16, 2018 and January 16, 2019. The government shutdown started December 22nd.

Surprisingly members of  both houses are releasing almost the same number of official statements as they released during the same period a year ago (44,118 documents in the past thirty days versus 45,522 in the same 30 day period a year ago.)

There is a much larger impact  in the executive agencies which have released only 149,259 documents in the past 30 days compared with 397,238 documents in the same period a year ago. Voxgov normally ingests between 170,000 and 200,000 documents per week.


Continue Reading The Shutdown Didn’t “Shut Up” Official Washington According to Voxgov – Insights Into the Words of Washington – Republicans Have Not Mastered The Hashtag#

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