ALM Legal Intelligence released a new report “Who
Really Drives AFA Use—and Why?”. The major theme running through the report is the disconnect between law firms and legal departments. Legal departments claim that they are driving the adoption of AFAs, law firms appear to be getting the short end of the stick- 24% of responding

ALM Legal Intelligence released  a new report 2014 State of Digital & Content Marketing.
The digital era pushed  every law firm into fierce publishing mode. Every
law firm publishes alerts, newsletters, tweets, blogs, articles and special
reports. This ALM report examines the challenge of being heard above the roaring
ocean of content. It has never been more

Legal Intelligence just released a white paper Finding the Right Balance: Nonattorney Law Firm Staffing Trends. ‘ (Cover title: Law firm staffing—Finding
the Optimal Mix. “)   The survey was conducted during January and February 2014. The report studies the ongoing efforts by law firms to “optimize” support staff functions and ratios.It appears that law

Earlier this
week readers were introduced to a whole new website. It is clean,
contemporary, graphic and well… glossy. In January ALM rolled out 18 redesigned
websites for its regional and national publications. ALM’s content has always
outshined it’s technology and finally they seem to have developed a slick new
“eye-candy” platform which

ALM Legal Intelligence  released a report  this week “Corporate Counsel: Agenda 2014”. Many of the themes are familiar: controlling costs, driving efficiency, alternative fee arrangements. But I can’t recall any recent reports that repeatedly point to “the government” as a major source of anxiety for in-house counsel.
How The government is impacting In house counsel

Partners and associates competing for work

On November 14th, ALM Legal Intelligence released a new report “Turf Wars: Defining New Roles and Competing for Business.”  The report is yet another examination of the ongoing impact of the “Great Recession” on the transformation of large law firms. The report contrasts results with a similar 2011