American Lawyer Legal Intelligence has released a new report “Law
Firm Support Staff How Many are Enough?””In response to the changing legal landscape, law firms have restructured
their staffing of both attorneys and non-attorneys alike.  Law firm
management has begun to realize that they can use support staff more
strategically within the organization. This survey

The October Issue of Practice Innovations has been released. Great mix of articles on distruptive forces and innovative approaches to the practice of law.

Legal Intelligence just released a white paper Finding the Right Balance: Nonattorney Law Firm Staffing Trends. ‘ (Cover title: Law firm staffing—Finding
the Optimal Mix. “)   The survey was conducted during January and February 2014. The report studies the ongoing efforts by law firms to “optimize” support staff functions and ratios.It appears that law

Partners and associates competing for work

On November 14th, ALM Legal Intelligence released a new report “Turf Wars: Defining New Roles and Competing for Business.”  The report is yet another examination of the ongoing impact of the “Great Recession” on the transformation of large law firms. The report contrasts results with a similar 2011

The latest issue of  Practice Innovations from Thomson Reuters was just released and it includes an interesting array of articles of interest to law firm executives. The lead article focuses on the  Global Practice of Law. The rest of the articles focus on various aspects of how technology, law firm economics and changing demands are impacting how we work