Every law firm has a hidden history.  Did you know that
the landmark gay rights case Lawrence v. Texas 539 U.S. 558 (2003) was litigated by Jenner &
Block’s and Lambda’s Legal Board Co-Chair Paul M. Smith? 
a world of tweets and blogs one  new legal publisher Twelve Tables Press is launching a rather

week the Special Libraries Association and the Financial Times released a
report “The Evolving Value of Information Management.”  First of all, I want
to applaud SLA and the Financial Times for this innovative partnership which
obviously addresses a mutual need to foster the value of  both premium
content resources and sophisticated content advisers.


The latest issue of  Practice Innovations from Thomson Reuters was just released and it includes an interesting array of articles of interest to law firm executives. The lead article focuses on the  Global Practice of Law. The rest of the articles focus on various aspects of how technology, law firm economics and changing demands are impacting how we work

The Green Wall

When Squire Sanders relocated from Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC, to new offices on 19th St NW, they left behind  a traditional wood paneled law firm motif and moved to a decidedly and perhaps radically modern “green” space.

The new offices received a Platinum LEED rating. It features conference tables made of concrete, glass and stone;