future is already here, it just isn’t evenly distributed.”
William Gibson,
author and futurist.
uneven “distribution of the future” is fueling an intense debate within the
American Association of Law Libraries. Last week the  organization
announced that the Executive Committee had voted unanimously to change the name
of the organization to the

This past week ALM released their Annual Law Librarian Survey and the American Lawyer published a companion article “The Bookless Library “  by MP McQueen, which describes the transformation of law firm libraries into new kinds of environments offering new kinds of services. I have previously written stories about innovative library spaces but I love

Jackson Walker an Amlaw
200 firm based in Texas has promoted Greg Lambert to their roster of
C-level leaders.  Lambert  joined the firm as the Director of
Library and Research Services in 2012 and became Chief Knowledge Services Officer
in February of this year. Lambert made a name for himself as one of the
founders and writers of the award winning 

The PLL Summit is still going strong. It  has grown from an experiment born of the financial crisis  and the “new normal” in law firms which was hammering law firms into  a “must attend” program for private firm librarians and information professionals who want to stay on the “cutting edge” of issues impacting their firms.

week the Special Libraries Association and the Financial Times released a
report “The Evolving Value of Information Management.”  First of all, I want
to applaud SLA and the Financial Times for this innovative partnership which
obviously addresses a mutual need to foster the value of  both premium
content resources and sophisticated content advisers.


One of the great things about this year’s  Fastcase 50 is that it includes so many of my personal colleagues and mentors (whether they knew it or not!).

Luminaries Include: Bob Berring, Cindy Chick,Bess Reynolds, Anne Ellis, Steve Lastres, and Tracy Thompson-Przylucki  from the library community.  Leaders from other fields include: Ron Friedmann, Bruce MacEwen,

NY Times Mar. 20, 1969
Several weeks ago I wrote a post about the lawsuit brought by the researchers at Newsweek who in 1970 figured out that they had been hired into a “female ghetto” of research, which was valued less than the “male” role of reporting . It was also a position