The Private Law Librarians and Information Professionals
Special Interest Section of AALL has released two new Resource Guides on strategic planning and intranets. They also reissued a major revision of a previously published guide on internet research.The Guides are
free and available to law librarians and legal information professionals as
well as law firm administrators who

Jordan Furlong’s keynote address “Climbing the Value Ladder”  at the recent  PLL Summit outlined the critical forces reshaping the legal market. Furlong  concluded his talk with an optimistic array of emerging  roles and responsibilities which obliterate the cliche of “library as administrative cost center.” In my experience it is rare moment when a lawyer/consultant escapes the prison of “librarian conventions”  and

Maximizing the value of library staff activities can be achieved by enhancing the ability of information professionals to be put to their “highest and best use” in support of client related activities. One key strategy for liberating knowledge professionals to support client work is reducing the volume of administrative work which they must perform or oversee.