Back in May I spoke on a panel with Sara Glassmeyer, at the Canadian Law Library Association meeting in Montreal. Then in December we were paired up again as ABA Magazine Blawg 100 nominees. Being a co-panelist on a program called “Thriving on Chaos: The Future of l Law Libraries” with the queen of the Punk librarians made me feel well…. old. I brought checklists and charts and I hope some useful insights. Sara brought down the house when she illustrated the challenge to reforming legal education as combining elements of :” The Hindenburg” “The Titanic” and a “herd of cats.”
At the time, our pairing reminded me of a “mash up” of Bing Crosby, 1930s crooner and David Bowie 1970s glam rocker on a holiday special. So here is to mash ups, Punk librarians and Holiday Cheer!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and A Wonderful New Year to All!