Dewey B Strategic and I were recently honored with a “Legal Rebels” Profile and podcast on the ABA Journal website “Dewey B Strategic’s Jean O’Grady  Leads Lawyers Through the Tech Maze.”

Here is an excerpt:

Most people see librarians as the quiet personification of technical obsolescence. Jean O’Grady is out to change that.


For the fourth year in a row,   Editors of the ABA Journal have chosen Dewey B Strategic as one of the top  100 best blogs for a legal audience. See a complete list of the Blawg 100 here.  Every year since in 2007,  the ABA Journal staffers have assembled a list of their 100 favorite

Thanks to everyone who voted for Dewey B Strategic in the recent  ABA Blawg 100 poll.     It is a special honor given the quality of the other nominated blogs. It has been a wonderful experience to be part of the lively “fraternity” of legal bloggers.The winners were announced in the January issue  of ABA Journal