This week Lex Machina added Remedies Analytics to their platform. Lawyers can now investigate the trends on grant and deny rates for permanent injunctions. Preliminary injunctions and temporary restraining orders. Grant/deny rates can be analyzed for specific judges and districts for the types of litigation currently covered by Lex Machina. These include antitrust. Commercial, copyright, employment. Patent, securities and trademark. In addition, the new data will provide insights into the timing for grant or denial of these remedies for specific judges and districts. According to Lex Machina’s General Counsel and Chief Evangelist, Owen Byrd, Lex Machina is continually enhancing the product based on customer demands and remedies was the most recent response to customer needs.
The Data About the Data Lex Machina shows the power of the data by inserting macro trends extracted from their product into the press release. According to the press release 27,500 of 1 million+ federal district court cases involves orders for permanent or temporary injunctions or TROs. Overall 88% of injections on the merits are granted and 125 are denied. However, the regard deny rates overall vary for specific types of cases such as trademark and labor.
Special remedies. The Lex Machina analytics platform also includes remedies data for specific types of litigation. Employment cases include remedies for reinstatement and promotion; antitrust remedies cover divestiture; commercial remedies include replevin and specific performance and trademark remedies include “termination of a mark.”
All of the Lex Machina data includes a wide range of filters for case types, tags and timing options which can be applied to develop custom insights. Read the full press release here.