Today I will be highlighting a new group of “first time” exhibitors who will be  at the American Association of Law Libraries Conference at the Baltimore Convention Center, July 14-16th. Yesterday I highlighted the products offering litigation and analytics. If you are a careful reader of this blog you may notice that since yesterday I upped the total number of new Exhibitors from 11 to 13 – my apologies a miscount on my part yesterday!

Several of the vendors highlighted today are focused on some aspect of technology, two focus on training  two others offer analytics or insights.


You may not know the name Procertas but many of you now it’s founder,  Casey Flaherty who has been a speaker and provocateur on the legal tech speaking circuit including at AALL conferences. Last year he also received the “Outside Advocate of the Year” award from the Private Law Librarians and Information Professionals SIS. So make sure you stop by and say hello to our friend Casey at his inaugural booth.

 Procertas (Professional Certifications and Technology Assessments) is a new kind of company for an evolving legal marketplace. Our mission is better alignment between law firms and law departments, as well as between law departments and the businesses they represent. Our flagship product, the Legal Technology Assessment (LTA), improves quality and increases efficiency by ensuring that legal professionals are properly using the basic technology tools of their trade: Word, Excel, and PDF. The LTA is a first-of-its kind integrated benchmarking and training platform pairing competence-based assessments with synchronous, active learning in a completely live environment. Our clients become COBOT Qualified (Certified Operator of Basic Office Technology).

GOBI® is the leading web-based acquisitions tool for finding, ordering and managing e-books and print books for your library. EBSCO is a familiar name in library acquisitions. They will be showcasing their GOBI platform which offers:

  •  One place to find, order and manage your books
  •  Expertly curated selection lists by subject



S&P Global Market Intelligence is a familiar name. Capital IQ is one of their well known products, but they offier a variety of other data and intelligence platforms.  I have to say I like the  slogans that appear on their splash page.

  • “There’s intelligence and then there is essential intelligence.”
  • “The difference between knowing and knowing what matters.”

New Generation Research  provides  data and intelligence on corporate bankruptcies and companies in distress. Their products include: Bankruptcy Data (30 years of bankruptcy data); The Turnaround Letter and Distressed Company Alert.


Tyler Technologies Offers a wide range of software an data services. Several areas of their work seemed aligned with the intersts of AALL members: court workflow and records management services.

Tind Tind’s slogan is “Reimagining Library  Technology” Tind offers an ILS, Data Set preservation, Digital collection management and digital publication management for publishers.



Padcaster offers The most complete, all in one  mobile video solution. Presumably these involve iPads and tablets in the educational video context.


Welcome to all the new exhibitors. Colleagues – make these new exhibitors feel welcome by stopping by to say hello and learn about their products and services next week in Baltimore.