Normally the top blog posts are  heavily weighted with posts which introduced readers to new products.  While readers remained interested in innovative products, this year  readers were also intensely interested in w legal publishing and technology company layoffs, expansions, pricing policies and content strategies. What do these changes say about the state of the legal information market ? Will these trends continue into 2019 ?  I for one think that the coming year will bring  some major shifts in the market – but that is for a 2019 blog post.  Here are the top 2018 posts:

  1. Widespread Layoffs at Thomson Reuters Legal – Office Closings to Follow
  2. The Law Librarians Revolt: AALL Accuses LexisNexis of Engaging in Unfair Business Practices – Possible Antitrust Violations
  3. Thomson Reuters to Layoff 3,200 Staff Through 2020, Close Offices and Eliminate Products – Which Legal Products Might Die?
  4. Judicata Just Ranked 20 Top California Law Firms By Grading Their Briefs. What Grade Did Your Firm Get?
  5. Bloomberg BNA Editor in Chief Outlines Reorganization and Layoffs– Shifts in Content Strategy
  6. CARA AI: Did Casetext Just “Drop Kick” Keywords Out of the Legal Research Process?
  7. Start Stop Survey Results AALL’s : “The Know it All” Is Voted Best New Product and Bloomberg Law’s “Docket Key” Best New Feature
  8. Products “At Risk” Due to Thompson Reuters Layoffs – Readers Respond
  9. ALM Releases 2018 Survey on Library and Knowledge Profssionals: Intelligence, Analytics and AI Dominate
  10. Fastcase Fastracks Launch of State Docket Analytics & New Features Following Docket Alarm Acqusition
  11. Your Workflow Product Costs Half a Million Dollars — Now How Do I Measure My ROI? Where is the Quickview and PowerInvoice for Practical Law and Lexis Practice Advisor?
  12. Thomson Reuters Launches Watson AI Feature in New Data Privacy Platform
  13. Surprise -Your Expert Witness Has a Rapsheet – New Survey Examines the Sorry State of Expert Research Workflow in Law Firms
  14. Bloomberg Law: New Leadership. New Products: SEC Administrative Analytics and Practical Guidance  and “Hot Topic” News
  15. AI in Legal Research – Does Casetext’s Document As Query Search Improve Efficiency and Results?
  16. Move over ALM and Law360 – LexBlog is Launching a Legal News Network
  17. Changing the Subject from Layoffis – Thomson Reuters Celebrates 1,500 Westlaw Edge Subscribers – Still Faces Market Resistance and The Challenge of ROI.
  18. Lexis Re-imagines the Shepard’s Citator with Ravel Analytics: Adds 500,000 New Cases, 6 Million Images
  19. Lexis and NLRG Respond to Casetext AI Study- Casetext Defends Study -Have we Reached the Trough of AI Disillusionment?
  20. ALM Releases Report on Artificial Intelligence in Law Firms: Where is Your Firm on the AI Adoption Spectrum