I am hearing from multiple sources that David Perla has resigned as President of the BloombergBNA legal division.  According to Bob Amrbrogi’s website Law Sites  Perla is being replaced by Scott Mazorsky who will report to Greg McCaffery, the BloombergBNA CEO.
( I hate when Bob scoops me!).

Perla brought a lot of energy to

Anyone who has worked with tax lawyers knows that tax lawyers are different. They have a very exacting and demanding expectations for their tax resources. BloombergBNA recognized these high expectations when they undertook the development of a new tax platform.  The tax product  team spent two years and thousands of hours observing exactly how tax lawyers solve tax

 Law360 just announced that they will be breaking out the
champagne to celebrate their “Golden Tour” at the AALL Annual Meeting and
Conference in Chicago July 15-19, 2016. The festivities will mark the release
of Law 360’s 50th specialty newsletter as well as the release of
their In Depth news publication.
Law 360’s Newsletters 2004-2016

Bloomberg Law and the Legal Marketing Association have just issued a joint report on the state of marketing  in the legal profession. The report “Are We There Yet:  Revealing the Latest Trends in Legal Marketing and Business Development is available at this link.

The report focuses on the evolving and expanding roles of marketing

Westlaw Adds 6 New Features: “Westlaw Answers,”
Research Recommendations, Snapshots, and  Folder Enhancements… At No Charge to
There has been great anticipation surrounding the recent
announcement that Thomson Reuters was entering into an alliance with IBM to use
their Watson technology.  Westlaw’s new features especially “Westlaw
Answers” caused me to assume that this must

 In December, I offered readers the opportunity to respond to a survey on products and processes that they started or stopped using in 2015 or planned to stop or start in 2016. Readers were also asked to describe products or features they are waiting for vendors to invent.

What s the best NEW PRODUCT you