Project management, Lean Six Sigma, efficiency and workflow optimization are among the hottest buzzwords in law firm management as law firms compete to show clients that they are both smart and lean. If you are confused about where to start, this  upcoming  American Bar Association webinar promises to offer some answers.

The ABA, Law Practice Management,

The October Issue of Practice Innovations has been released. Great mix of articles on distruptive forces and innovative approaches to the practice of law.

Partners and associates competing for work

On November 14th, ALM Legal Intelligence released a new report “Turf Wars: Defining New Roles and Competing for Business.”  The report is yet another examination of the ongoing impact of the “Great Recession” on the transformation of large law firms. The report contrasts results with a similar 2011

The March  issue of Thomson Reuters Practice Innovations is out. Articles focus on legal project management in various contexts, Litigation, Knowledge Management, Research, Process Improvement.
Here are links to the articles:
Process Improvement and Legal Work Product by Silvia Coulter, LawVision Group
Distressed Litigation and Legal Project Management by James Buckley and Aileen Levanton, Qlex