Several weeks ago I posted a survey soliciting information on whether law firms highlight information on their non-lawyer staff contributions on the firms public website. All firms are  facing increased competitive scrutiny and are often asked to demonstrate how the firm is using innovative approaches to client support and staffing. It would seem  logical for firms to use their external websites to promote such initiatives and innovations to clients. I know of many firms which have undertaken fairly dramatic and innovative initiatives which support the firm’s value proposition., but in general, law  firms are not leveraging the PR benefits of such innovations.

Describing services. Here are the services in rank order which are most commonly recognized on the firm website and provide some description of the value of the services.

1. Recruiting
2. IT
3. Human Resources
4. Diversity
5. Marketing/Library  (Tied)
6. Professional Development
8. Staff Recruiting

It is obvious that clients choose firms for the expertise of  their lawyers not for their staff. However, in the current competitive environment, it might make sense for firms to highlight they ways they are leveraging people, process and technology as a differentiator.

Contact Information Only about 1/3 of the respondents indicated that their firm provided basic contact information for their Directors or Chiefs.

Feature Services. About 1/3 feature services provided by at least one administrative department.
Featured Services: Which services are featured on the firm’s website?