Each year AALL welcomes new exhibitors seeking to reach the decision-makers in law libraries and information centers.  The current powerful generation  of tools in the legal  market often offer multiple features so the products are sometimes not easy to categorize. I have taken the liberty of characterizing each new exhibitor by a single label

Casemaker has announced the launch of Casemaker4 – a “next generation” research platform with a new look, faster search and expanded functionality New features were added based on extensive testing and user feedback. New features include: alerts delivered via email; advanced search opinions; predictive “type ahead” functionality; and “intelligent algorithms” which suggest related primary and

Scott Mozarsky

Greg McCaffery, BloombergBNA, CEO and Scott Mozarsky President
of the BloombergBNA legal division discuss Bloomberg BNA strategy, AI,
predictive technologies, gatekeepers, advisory boards and BNA platform
migration plans. Contrary to recent rumors McCaffrey emphasized that customers
will be able to continue purchasing BloombergBNA vertical products after the
content is migrated to the

AALL has released the September/October  issue of Spectrum magazine. Articles of interest to law firm leaders include:
  • Zena Applebaum on 10 Best Practices for Competitive Intelligence;
  • Rand Christianson on managing your PR message;
  • Michael Saint-Onge – Upping Your Swagger
  • Sarah Mauldin and Diane Koppang on Legal Analytics
  • Mark Gediman on Artificial Intelligence
  • Jean O’Grady on 13

Westlaw Adds 6 New Features: “Westlaw Answers,”
Research Recommendations, Snapshots, and  Folder Enhancements… At No Charge to
There has been great anticipation surrounding the recent
announcement that Thomson Reuters was entering into an alliance with IBM to use
their Watson technology.  Westlaw’s new features especially “Westlaw
Answers” caused me to assume that this must