Today Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory U.S.   is announcing an expanded version of its COVID-19 State & Federal Compare Smart Chart™ which is   focused on “return to work” issues. New areas of coverage focus on a wide range of back to office content and caselaw related to the pandemic, accessible for all Cheetah™ and Cheetah™ for Corporate Counsel subscribers. The new back to office content compares corporate and local health policies on topics such  as vaccination requirements, face mask and shield requirements, social distancing and capacity limitations, specific restrictions by type of business.

“The latest updates to the Smart Chart come at a critical time as vaccination rates continue to climb, companies develop official back to office policies, and state and local jurisdictions set different mandates around COVID-19 precautions,” said Ken Crutchfield, Vice
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The 2020-21 Dewey B Strategic What’s Hot and What’s Not Survey  included a series of questions related to the COVID-19 Crisis.

COVID Resources Every legal  publisher launched some kind of COVID related legal resource. Many of these resources were made publicly available outside the paywall. These products included toolkits, trackers,  practical guidance, advisories, checklists, legislative

Leopard Solutions which provides a leading competitive intelligence and business development  platform, has released their 2020 State of the Legal Industry Report which examines law firm hiring trends since the beginning of the pandemic.
A copy of the report is available at this link.
Webinar Today. They are also hosting  a webinar today Thursday

This week Thomson Reuters Institute and Georgetown Law Center on Ethics and the Legal Profession released their 2021 Report on the State of the Legal Market. It is always an interesting read but this year offered  a petri dish for the transformation of law firms in real time.  2020 was a perfect storm of pandemic, financial uncertainty, social change and political stress.
The Report adopts the theme of Malcolm Gladwell‘s meme-able book The Tipping Point. Contrary to the popular assumption that social change happens slowly and steadily over a period of time Gladwell argues with a metaphor that is equally appropriate for our present circumstances that in many cases change happens more like an epidemic. As he puts it ideas and products and messages and behavior spread like viruses do. Although forces of change may build slowly often a a singular set of circumstances triggers a profound change. The 2020 Report examines whether law firms have reached such a tipping point.
Growth in Profits Per Equity Partner
Some of the data  points highlighted  in the report :

Continue Reading 2021 State of the Legal Market Report – A Tipping Point For Law Firm Transformation?

Did anyone imagine that eight months into the pandemic we would still be needing new ways to capture, monitor analyze the ever morphing legal issues around COVID? Today Fastcase is launching COVID-19 Case Alerts, an editorially curated email alert service to keep subscribers aware of new civil opinions, selected pleadings, breaking news, and analyses of legal issues related to the coronavirus pandemic.

“This is a dangerous and fast-changing pandemic, and it’s more important than ever for firms to be ahead of the curve when advising clients. There is no excuse for missing key developments, especially now,” said Ed Walters, Fastcase CEO. “Our team will be curating these COVID-19 Case Alerts and providing them for free to attorneys using Fastcase through their bar association.”

Each business day, excluding holidays, Fastcase will deliver a snapshot of the day’s legal developments on COVID-19. This includes decided cases from Fastcase, new complaints and pleadings from Docket Alarm, new blog posts from the LexBlog network, and legal news from Law Street Media, consolidated into a single, daily alert.

Here are some examples of the COVID-19 Alert Coverage:
Continue Reading Fastcase Launches COVID-19 Case Alerts

Preview the 2020 Benchmarking + Legal Information Services (BLISS) Survey results, learn how leading law firm libraries are using data to plan for 2021 and receive a special pandemic report.

The program will be facilitated  by HBR Director Colleen Cable. I will be joined by two large law colleagues for a lively discussion of how

We all knew that law libraries were shrinking. No one suspected that they would be totally “done in” by a virus. Law libraries have been “going digital” for at least 20 years, but few firms tossed out their last “pocket part” update. But as firms plan their post-pandemic re-openings, retaining a collection of shared books is frankly a biohazard. Should librarians develop systems for sanitizing and quarantining books? In today’s digital world -– is it even worth the trouble? 

Does anyone really want to take on the backlog of updating books that are nine months out of date next January when lawyers begin returning to offices?

For the past two decades, many law librarians have been assessing products and developing in-house solutions to support virtual library resources.  

There is no universal solution. The law firms which have the foresight to invest in strategic information professionals are most likely  to have had substantial digital libraries in place last March when COVID-19 brought the world to a screeching halt. Many firms are running parallel digital and print libraries because they are supporting both the last of the “baby boomer partners” and the “born digital” generation of lawyers. COVID-19 has been an unprecedented tipping point which exposes the importance of completing or starting a digital library transition plan.  

  12 Building Blocks Of A Digital Library  

Continue Reading 12 Tips For Building Your Digital Law Library In The Age Of COVID-19

Today Lex Machina, a LexisNexis company is making the COVID-10 Impact Analyzer App “COVID App” available to the public for free. It was released on June 1st to Lex Machina subscribers. The COVID app provides insights into the past and ongoing impact of COVID-19 on the federal district court litigation.  The press release cites Lex Machina’s  public interest originals as driving the  public launch which will allow “individuals and organizations to analyze data from new cases filed in the federal district court since February of 2020.” Just to be clear, Lex Machina apps are not phone apps. Lex Machina apps are accessible on a desktop. A public access version of the COVID app is available for free  at this link.

Lex Machina subscribers  using the app can click through to the underlying cases for filings and documents for complaints.  

Weekly COVID Case FIlings in Federal District Court by Case Type

The COVID App delivers insights on both the volume of COVID related litigation in federal courts and the impact of