Today Lex Machina, a LexisNexis company, is releasing a new tool for competitive insights called “Litigation Footprint.”  Lex Machina now includes litigation analytics from over 27 million cases filed in 94 federal district courts and over 1,300 state courts in 34 states and the District of Columbia.  The Litigation Footprint enhancement was developed in response to customer demand for deeper party level analysis tools.

Since its launch in 2010 as a platform for analyzing IP litigation, Lex Machina has continuously raised the bar for the legal analytics market. The Lex Machina platform combines natural language processing, machine learning, human curation, data normalization and extensive tagging of data elements to improve precision and granularity of research results and reporting.

.Litigation Footprint focuses on the litigation histories of corporate entities in order to enable lawyers to quickly get a high level overview of a  party’s litigation footprint across the United States.Continue Reading Lex Machina Launches  “Litigation Footprint” With Deep Insights into Company and Industry Litigation Trends

Earlier this year I wrote a post about Pre/Dicta a new legal analytics product which “breaks all the rules” followed in the legal analytics market. Today Pre/Dicta announced the availability of predictions for new motion types, a new dashboard and additional interactive features. Unlike other analytics products which focuses on “the law.” Pre/Dicta focuses on profiling judges personal characteristics in order to predict how they will rule on a motion based on the characteristics of the cause of action, the parties and the attorney. It runs the predictions based on one piece of data – the Docket number! It doesn’t read the complaint, and it ignored the facts and defenses.

Founder Dan Rabinowitz built a methodology and an algorithm that is correct 85% of the time. Pre/Dicta has collected, enriched and analyzed more than 35 million docket entries, over 3.5 million cases, and 5.5 million parties and firms. This enables Pre/Dicta to generate a unique fingerprint or ‘DNA’ for each case and predicts judicial decisions. The availability of data-centric forecasts for the entire litigation timeline, from filing to trial, provides attorneys and their clients with a strategic edge and facilitates a more highly informed litigation strategy.

Continue Reading Pre/Dicta Adds 3 New Motion Outcome Predictions and “Doppelganger” AI Capability

 Courtroom Insight today announced a collaboration with LexisNexis® Legal & Professional.  LN will enable customers who have both Courtroom Insight and LexisNexis to automatically access select Lexis Context Analytics and Lexis+ information about expert witnesses and judges. The new data will appear with  within the Courtroom Insight Knowledge Management platform profiles of judges

Lex Machina, a LexisNexis company,  released  a new legal analytics tool “State Motion Metrics”. State Motion Metrics provides insights which can be used to develop a motion strategy or identify the best arguments in state motion practice. State Motion Metrics is available for four Delaware state courts, including the Delaware Court of Chancery. Motion metrics are also available for the Los Angeles County Superior Court. Lex Machina plans to roll out State Motion Metrics in more courts later this year.

“Our analytics allow users to understand motion strategy, including judges’ past behavior with dynamic grant/denial rates, as well as the cases and documents to back up that research,” said Karl Harris, CEO of Lex Machina. “Lex Machina is the best analytics tool to
Continue Reading Lex Machina Launches State Motion Metrics -Webcast Demo on July 28th

Today LexisNexis is launching the Product Liability Navigator, a “purpose built” product to help in-house counsel and law firms facing  complex types of litigation. It offers a custom dashboard and workflow. Perhaps more importantly, Products Liability Navigator  enables a lawyer to quickly assess the risks of potential litigation.

The press release includes a quote from LexisNexis North American CEO, Sean Fitzpatrick. “Lexis Product Liability Navigator is a powerful solution that addresses the unique needs of litigators practicing products liability law. The workflow-based solution illuminates the risks or rewards of a case and saves time and resources on case assessment… From product recall reports to verdict summaries, no other solution provides this level of functionality or mirrors the way attorneys and researchers approach product liability cases. We listened to over 300 product liability practitioners and custom-built a solution designed to set them up for success. Simply put, Lexis Product Liability Navigator dramatically reduces the time it takes to make well-researched decisions in products liability cases.”

The Dashboard. The Navigator enables lawyers to assess information based on product type, product name, manufacturer and federal  or state Jurisdiction. Search results display in a dashboard which shows multiples
Continue Reading LexisNexis Product Liability Navigator: Speeds Assessment of Case Value, Viability, Risk

Lex Machina has announced the expansion of their state law analytics  offering with the addition of the Sacramento County Superior Court (California) and Clark County (Nevada) which covers Las Vegas. This adds a total of 171,480  new cases bringing the total state case analytics to 1,126,722 new cases .  The state law analytics provides lawyers with insights into judges, court, law firms, attorneys and parties.

The new state court analytics modules are like the Lex Machina federal court analytics products, built using a proprietary  Attorney Data Engine and other natural language processing technology, According to the press release “Lex Machina is the only legal analytics provider able to utilize state court documents to provide comprehensive coverage about the behavior of judges, law firms, attorneys, and parties in state courts.”

In an earlier post about Lex Machina  state law analytics products I described the unique challenges of taming state court data. “each state court system the product development team had to get “under the hood” to understand the idiosyncrasies of  docket system and data collection practices.”

According to the press release “Lex Machina worked closely with the court systems to understand their docketing practices and create analytics that reflect the unique aspects of individual courts. The two new state courts – Sacramento County Superior Court (88,000+ cases) and Clark County (Las Vegas) District Court (82,000+ cases) – each have their own data collection infrastructure and nuances. These modules, and thus the substantial case numbers, cover four years of court activity beginning with cases filed January 1, 2016 or later.”

Why Sacramento and Clark County?

The Sacramento and Clark County courts were chosen because they represent important data sets in the universe of
Continue Reading Lex Machina Launches New State Court Analytics for California and Nevada

Lex Machina is announcing the launch of the  Consumer Protection Litigation  analytics module covering nearly 145,000 cases, including more than 26,000 class action lawsuits, pending in federal district court since 2009. This is the 15th topical module added to the Lex Machina platform. Every Lex Machina module provides  data driven insights into judges, courts,

Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory, LexisNexis and Thomson Reuters spent the past week showing off newproductsand features at the annual American Association of Law Libraries ( AALL)  Meeting and Conference in Washington DC.  Since the close of the conference on Tuesday, each has announced a new alliance of some kind.

  • Thompson Reuters acquired HighQ Software

The results of the 2017 Start Stop Survey are in. Thanks to everyone who participated in the survey. My apologies for the delay in compiling the results – let me blame a series of unexpected events starting in December and continuing through the spring.

Can it Be? The Best New Legal Information Product is FREE!  Although AALL’s daily newsletter launched in late 2016 it really gained traction in 2017. I am also a daily reader. Know It AALL aggregates legal knowledge and technology stories from around the web ranging from academic publications to popular blogs and news sites. It is like a fresh cup of news serendipity to drink in along with your morning coffee. (Full disclosure: I am currently on the Board of the American Association of Law Libraries which publishes the newsletter..) The Know it AALL is available for free to anyone who wishes to subscribe at this link.

What is the best NEW PRODUCT you became aware of in 2017?
Continue Reading Start Stop Survey Results AALL’s — “The Know it AALL” Is Voted Best New Product and Bloomberg Law’s “Docket Key” Best New Feature