American Lawyer Media (or more precisely, Steven Brill the founder of the American Lawyer) pioneered the collection of law firm data in the mid-1980’s with the publication of the first Amlaw 100 list. For better or for worse, the ALM rankings have driven decision making in the legal market for almost 40 years. I wrote an historical review of ALM in the last time ALM was sold to an investor consortium the Wasserstein Group in 2014 . I am happy to see that the new owners have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to leveraging ALM’s unique data assets to help law firms navigate
Continue Reading American Lawyer Media Releases Law Firm Merger and Lateral Modeling Tool: Let the Scenario Planning Begin
Major Thomson Reuters Launch: Westlaw Edge, West Search Plus, Analytics, Enhanced Citator and More
I think we all suspected that Thomson Reuters had “something big” in the works … after all, it has been eight years since their last major launch: WestlawNext. Yesterday Thomson Reuters executives gathered in New York for a press event to announce the launch of a new AI enabled platform Westlaw Edge, a new search…
Lex Machina Launches “Trade Secrets” Litigation Analytics – Outsmarting the Pacer NOS Codes for the Second Time –Webinar May 31st
Today Lex Machina is announcing the release of a unique litigation analytics module on trade secrets. This is the second time in a year that Lex Machina has used machine learning to identify a unique and valuable subset of cases for with there is no “Nature of Suite” code in the Pacer system. Owen Byrd…
Lex Machina Expands Analytics Insights into Remedies Grant/Deny Rates and Trends
This week Lex Machina added Remedies Analytics to their platform. Lawyers can now investigate the trends on grant and deny rates for permanent injunctions. Preliminary injunctions and temporary restraining orders. Grant/deny rates can be analyzed for specific judges and districts for the types of litigation currently covered by Lex Machina. These include antitrust. Commercial, copyright,…
Dewey B Analog? Announcing the First Annual Dewey B Strategic Blog-o-zine
PAYPAL Issues have been resolved. My apologies to those who were unable to place orders yesterday. Thank you for your patience.
Dear Colleagues and readers you must be asking yourselves:
What is a Blog-o-zine? It is word I made up to describe a print publication which includes “best of” selection of Dewey B Strategic …
Bloomberg Law Launches Health Care Fraud Enforcement Analytics Tool
Last week Bloomberg Law launched a new analytics tool, Health Care Fraud Analytics. A first of its kind tools offering insights into a very specific niche– health care fraud enforcement. The tool enables subscribers to search and filter health care fraud settlement agreements by court, entity, allegation, date which can be used to display trends in health care enforcement and settlements. The product also provides insights into whistle-blower suits and violation trends. Settlement analytics can be searched by law firm or
Continue Reading Bloomberg Law Launches Health Care Fraud Enforcement Analytics Tool
Suffolk Law School Leading Transformation of Legal Education: AI, Analytics and the 21st Century Law School
I recently had the opportunity to interview Andrew Perlman, The Dean of Suffolk Law School and Professor Gabrielle Teninbaum, Director of the Institute on Law Practice Technology and Innovation at Suffolk Law School. Suffolk is on of the U.S, law schools which has been in the forefront of transforming the law future lawyers…
Practice Innovations March Issue: AI and Lawyer Skill Fade, Value calculations, “The Big Four” in Law, Back office AI, Legal Education Innovation, Client Collaboration
The March issue of Thomson Reuters Practice Innovations has been released. This issue focuses on AI’s impact on the business and practice of law, transformation of legal education and the ongoing challenges of value pricing and client collaboration.
The Full issue is available here.
Subscribe to Practice Innovations at this link.
Join Me At Upcoming Events: Stanford Codex Future Law (Palo Alto), Marcus Evans (Chicago), SEALL ( Nashville)
I am honored to be speaking at several upcoming events.
Driving Analytics into Practice: A High Speed Tour of the World of Commercial Analytics, Workflow and Predictive Tools. Marcus Evans Data Utilization and Practice Innovation Conference, Chicago, Il. March 19-21, 2018.
Using AI to Power Push, CodeX FutureLaw 2018 Conference, Palo Alto, Ca.
The Awesome Power of Understatement. Daniel Lewis On Assessing AI Products and Managing Expectations
Last Thursday, Daniel Lewis, co-Founder of Ravel Law (now part of LexisNexis) gave the Keynote address at the annual Ark Best Practices & Management Strategies for Law Firm Library, Research and Information Services conference in New York. Instead of another frothy, sermon on the emergence of “robot lawyers,” Lewis delivered a measured analysis of the current state of AI in the legal market. It was a dramatic counterpoint to some of the overheated AI rhetoric reverberating througout the recent Legal Tech conference in New York. Lewis provided a framework for understanding what AI can do today. His talk covered current AI technologies and applications. But the topic which was of greatest interest to me was the a practical outline of questions to ask of vendors who are selling AI enabled products. How do you distinguish marketing hype from reality? How do you help manage lawyer expectations after they have read about the latest “game changing” AI product — which was acquired by a peer law firm? When the talk was over I felt like standing up and cheering.
Continue Reading The Awesome Power of Understatement. Daniel Lewis On Assessing AI Products and Managing Expectations