I will be moderating a lively panel discussion including three experts exploring recent KM trends. We will also discuss the challenges an opportunities arising from the emergence of Generative AI.

Program Description: Join us for an insightful webinar on the evolving landscape of Knowledge Management. This session will delve into the dynamic trends shaping the

 LexisNexis® Legal & Professional  Lexis+ AI is a  a generative AI solution driven by LexisNexis’ proprietary search engine and authoritative content. Lexis+ AI   delivers results based on the LexisNexis’ proprietary content which assures that results include “verifiable, citable authority. This follows the 2023 launch of  Lexis+ AI in the United States.

Lexis+ AI technology offers conversational search, insightful summarisation, intelligent legal drafting capabilities and document upload capabilities, all supported by state-of-the-art encryption and privacy technology to keep sensitive data secure.

Conversational search simplifies the complex and time-consuming legal research journey, providing a search experience for diverse legal questions with citations, facilitating lawyers’ ability to complete research effectively and efficiently.

Enhanced summarization provides a custom summary of legal documents to speed up and guide insightful analysis.Continue Reading LexisNexis Launches Commercial Preview of Lexis+ AI in U.K. and Canada

Entrepreneur Mark Torchiana the Co-Founder and CEO of Courtroom Insight continues his relentless pursuit of alliances and collaborations which enhance the content, functionality and usability of Courtroom Insight. Earlier this week Courtroom Insight announced a new alliance with Arbitrator Intelligence which will make AI reports and content available to Courtroom Insight subscribers.

Arbitrator Intelligence Report in Courtroom Insight

Here is the full press release:
Continue Reading Courtroom Insiight Announces (Yet Another) Alliance — Adds Arbitrator Intelligence Reports

Courtroom Insight which helps law firms jumpstart knowledge management projects aimed at collecting internal intelligence on expert witnesses, judges and arbitrators has just announced a new alliance with Wolters Kluwer. Wolters Kluwer which publishers the premier international arbitration product will allow Kluwer Arbitration subscribers to  integrate content from Courtroom Insight with Wolters Kluwer Arbitration content.

Today Fastcase and Courtroom Insight are announcing a partnership which will integrate Docket Alarm with the Courtroom Insight knowledge management product. Courtroom Insight which offers a database including thousands of profiles for judges, expert witnesses and arbitrators, allows law firms to build out custom experience database mapping internal lawyer experience to those profiles. . Docket Alarm’s 500 million state and federal litigation docket and documents will be mapped to the experts and judges within Courtroom Insight.

Docket Alarm Founder and Fastcase VP of analytics Michael Sander, describes this partnerships as “building API bridges within the legal tech community, knowing that the litigation record contains a robust dossier on thousands of expert witnesses. Marrying these data sources ultimately helps law firms make better decisions on expert witnesses.”

This is a win-win for both companies. Law firms no longer want to buy interfaces, they want to buy data that can power internal
Continue Reading APIs for Insights: Fastcase and Courtroom Insight Announce Full CI Integration with Docket Alarm

Earlier this month Wolters Kluwer expanded their Practical Insights a component of  Kluwer Arbitration Practice Plus . Kluwer which offers the leading arbitration product for lawyers added practical guidance for 23 arbitration topics. The product will expand to 40 topics by November 2021.
The Kluwer Arbitration Practice Plus (KAPP) platform launched in 2019 as an add on to Kluwer Arbitration. KAPP includes an arbitrator

Continue Reading Wolters Kluwer Enhances Arbitration With Practical Insights and Guidance Features

The 2007 recession was sort of a “cattle prod” which shocked law firms into acknowledging that  clients won’t pay for inefficiency. Legal publishers responded with a variety of “know how” or KM tools  which have created  a highly competitive niche in legal publishing. Every major legal publisher LexisNexis ,Thompson Reuters, Bloomberg Law, and Wolters Kluwer have been focused on gaining market share by growing their practice guidance and drafting tools.
This week FEIT Consulting is releasing a study :”Findings from the LexisNexis Practical Guidance/Thomson Reuters Practical Law Focus Group Inquiry” which summarizes the results of four focus groups which pitted Thompson Reuters Practical Law against Lexis Practical Guidance (previously branded as Practice Advisor.)
The basic question : “Is Lexis practice guidance ready for prime time?”  appears to have been answered in the affirmative.
Well the librarians are a hardened and skeptical lot and will want to test, poke, probe and conduct their own internal focus groups before

Continue Reading Feit Consulting: Is Lexis Practical Guidance Ready for Prime Time?

This week Thomson Reuters Institute and Georgetown Law Center on Ethics and the Legal Profession released their 2021 Report on the State of the Legal Market. It is always an interesting read but this year offered  a petri dish for the transformation of law firms in real time.  2020 was a perfect storm of pandemic, financial uncertainty, social change and political stress.
The Report adopts the theme of Malcolm Gladwell‘s meme-able book The Tipping Point. Contrary to the popular assumption that social change happens slowly and steadily over a period of time Gladwell argues with a metaphor that is equally appropriate for our present circumstances that in many cases change happens more like an epidemic. As he puts it ideas and products and messages and behavior spread like viruses do. Although forces of change may build slowly often a a singular set of circumstances triggers a profound change. The 2020 Report examines whether law firms have reached such a tipping point.

Growth in Profits Per Equity Partner

Some of the data  points highlighted  in the report :

Continue Reading 2021 State of the Legal Market Report – A Tipping Point For Law Firm Transformation?

PacerPro launched in 2014 with a simple overlay to the pacer system. In enabled firms to streamline the distribution of thousands of pacer filings to litigation teams and lower Their Pacer costs.  Cofounders Gavin McGrane, CEO and Anna McGrane, CoO have continued to expand the service and to explore how PacerPro can  be leveraged to